Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We are committed to protecting your privacy. This website privacy policy describes how your personal information will be treated when you visit and interact with this website. Subject to change from time to time. This website privacy policy applies  between you, the user of this website, and our affiliates (us/us/us). This Website Privacy Policy governs our use of information we collect in connection with your use of the Website and its services or systems. Our Privacy Policy describes how we  protect your privacy and confidentiality generally. We understand how important it is to protect your personal information.

This document explains our data protection efforts regarding the personal data we hold about you and how we treat that data. We understand that the personal information we collect about you will only be used for the purpose for which it was collected  or as permitted by law. It is important to us that you can trust that the personal information we hold about you will be treated in a way that ensures it is protected.